The calm before the storm.
Cathy hanging out with the soon to be grandmas.
Hard to tell who's the most excited.
While the girls hang,
Eric futilely tries to get a couple minutes of rest.
At 6:07pm on July 15th, after a BRIEF 21 hour labor, Ethan Daniel Wayman made his entrance into the world. He thought it would be fun to see how many hospital staffers he could get to come wish him happy birthday, so he decided to hold his breath for over 6 minutes. His mom and dad didn't think it was that funny.
The first meeting.
And now we're three!
Because the labor was so difficult, the doctors wanted to check Ethan's vitals, so the boys said bye to mom and went upstairs. Cathy was sad, but I got to spend a full hour alone with his boy. I haven't cried this much in my whole life!!!

21 hours of labor and Cathy's still gorgeous!
Kissing and hugging isn't enough;
What you lookin' at?
Ethan's hearing test. He passed, but didn't like how the earphones made him look like Princess Leiah!
My Uncle Peter may be the tallest guy in the family for now, but if Ethan's feet are any indication, his days are numbered.
The Waymans 2.0
Going home. We only had 2 days in the hospital, but we felt the need to bring everything we own.Cat carries the precious cargo, I'm the pack-mule.
I've got my boy wrapped around my little finger, but something tells me he's still in control. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation or the fact that he's only 3 days old, but he's already got more stuff than I've ever owned!
SO of course at the end of the post I'm in tears! I'm so happy for you guys!! He is SO precious and both of you are going to be amazing parents!! God bless you!!!
- Andrea
sooo PRECIOUS!! we can't wait to meet and hold him!! so happy for you guys, Noah's little brother has finally arrived!! Love, the Huangs from Taiwan
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